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Monday, 23 March 2015

Skins of pigs tattooed with designer logos & other characters being sold for up to £55,000 a piece

   Skins of pigs tattooed with designer logos & other characters being sold for up to £55,000 a piece

Check out pictures of pigs tattooed with Disney characters, patterns found on Russian prison inmates and the Louis Vuitton logo. They were done and sold by artist, Wim Delvoye who began tattooing live pigs in 1997. The tattoos were done by Wim & other artists while each pig was under anesthetic. They are now being sold for up £55,000 a piece. See more photos after the cut...

            Skins of pigs tattooed with designer logos & other characters being sold for up to £55,000 a piece     

    Skins of pigs tattooed with designer logos & other characters being sold for up to £55,000 a piece

           Skins of pigs tattooed with designer logos & other characters being sold for up to £55,000 a piece

     Skins of pigs tattooed with designer logos & other characters being sold for up to £55,000 a piece

       Skins of pigs tattooed with designer logos & other characters being sold for up to £55,000 a piece

Pictures Credit: Getty Images/Quircky China News.


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